8 Ways That Raw Food has Improved My Life

8 Ways That Raw Food has Improved My Life

1.       Eat new Superfoods and experiment with new recipes

2.       Balanced my weight and went from Size 12 to 6 (check out my before and after pic below)

3.       Doing Dishes is Easy

4.       Make A Lot of Yummy Smoothies

5.       I Sprout in the kitchen and grow my food

6.       Feel More Connected

7.       People Comment on my food

8.       I have a glow in my face

1. Eat new Superfoods and experiment with new recipes

Lentil Sprouts, Pea Sprouts, red clover sprouts, wheatgrass, Chia seeds, mulberries, raw chocolate, maca, sea weed salads, kimchee,  kale chips and raw cheese cake….yummy.  The list of new foods added to my diet with Eating Raw Foods is  long. Raw Foods have expanded my choices in the pantry multiple fold. Playing with the new foods and new recipes is Super Fun! And I find my body is well fed. I like the minerals and high nutrient content of raw foods.

2. Balanced my weight and went from Size 12 to 6

This pic says it pretty well. I lost about 30 pounds with raw foods. You can too. If you want to lose weight, eating more raw foods will help you reach your goals.

Can you see those love handles from emotional eating?

3. Doing Dishes is Easy

After a smoothie in morning I rinse the VITAMIX blender container. That’s it! No more scrubbing pans. With Raw Foods, there is no grease, so doing the dishes becomes less nasty. Sure you might get involved with a dehydrator and still create a mess to clean, but the mess does not stick as much!

4. Make A Lot of Yummy Smoothies

What other lifestyle do you get to enjoy a superfood smoothie everyday? Delicious and Amazingly good for a green beverage that nourishes you.

5.  Sprout in the kitchen and grow my food

Before Raw Foods I did not sprout. Now I’m a full blown sprouter with jars on my counter growing microgreens like red clover and alfalfa sprouts. I all so have a rack growing sunflower greens and wheatgrass in the house. Growing my own sprouts is very cost effective and enjoyable. I have learned so much about sprouting over the years and feel  that  eating sprouts played a dominant role in my weight loss. I have become an avid advocate of home sprouting and created Sproutology: The Ultimate Home Sprouting Guide.

6. Feel More Connected

Something about the uplifting and high vibration energy in living foods makes me feel more connected to source. I’m happier when I eat more raw foods.

7. People Comment on my food

This is nothing really new for me, because I’ve always been know as Granola Sue, a healthy eater. But including Raw Foods steps it up with comments like “Gremlin drinks” and “Why would you eat that”,” What is a Kale Chip” and “Wow you grow these sprouts” . I know what I eat feels good in my body and helps me shine…so the comments are a reminder most people still eat rubbish daily and allow me to share a little about the raw foods lifestyle.

8. I have a glow in my face

It’s common with raw foodies, a bright shining light comes through. Sometimes people think I’m 10 years younger than I am! One of my favorite Raw Food books is called Get the Glow, Living Raw Food by Sarma Melngailis. So go ahead and do it! Get the glow with raw foods in you!

Have raw foods changed you? Are you a new, or experienced raw foodie? I would enjoy hearing from you!

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christine February 3, 2012 at 1:34 pm

I stumbled on your site while researching raw foods. I have not yet begun a raw food diet. I want to try this, not as a diet but as a way of life. After suffering from Fibromyalgia for many years, I am tired of being tired, of stuffing myself with fast food and sweets, and being in pain. My eating habits are terrible…..loaded with sugar. I love food of all kinds and love cooking/preparing foods. I told myself that I would try a total raw food diet for one week starting on monday, to build my confidence that I can do it. Its going to be hard because I am so addicted to sweets and love tea with cream in the morning. I also wake several times a night to eat, mostly sweets. I do feel motivated after reading so many positive things. I wonder why those in the medical profession do not recommend at least adding more raw food into ones diet, and why there are so many naysayers that feel that one cannot recieve a full spectrum of nutrients from a raw food diet. I was told that I wouldnt receive enough protein because no raw food contains a complete protein, if Im not mistaken, dont chia seeds contain a complete protein? Anyway I just wanted to plug in somewhere and share my pre-raw food diet rant. Any tips or advice are welcome!


Suzanne February 3, 2012 at 7:25 pm

Hi Christine,

With dedication and support I am sure you will enjoy the benefits of a practical raw lifestyle. I have a friend in Florida who has relieved her fibromyalgia after transitioning to a cleaner diet. To start with I would get yourself lots of fruits high in sugar to help you with your sweet tooth; Banana’s, Apples, Blueberries, Grapes, and Oranges come to mind. I would get dates and honey. Maybe some other sweeteners like stevia and agave too. That way you’ll have some sweet ingredients around! About the protein concern…you’re not the first to hear that one! Don’t worry and follow your heart, continue your research and listen to your body. I am happy to help you with your transformation to a better life. You can get protein from nuts, sprouted beans, peas and lentils and the dark greens. Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, omega 3 and 6, iron and calcium. I love them!! Here a link to a post about chia seeds http://www.bewellwithsue.com/top-3-chia-seed-benefits/ that I did last year. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. Getting rid of crappy foods loaded with sugar will have you feeling soooo much better in the long run!
To your radiant health,


Justin June 13, 2011 at 9:47 am

I’ve been reading lately about sprouting things in your home, and it sounds so great. I know you have a product that teaches people exactly how to do that. I’ve been eating sprouted things from the store for awhile, and I know the benefits of it, but I’m sure the quality is much higher if you do it yourself.


Suzanne June 15, 2011 at 10:18 am

Sprouting yourself at home is AWESOME! The benefits are many and I’m sure you can do it yourself – its easy! You’ll expand the options of sprouted goodness in your diet and your sprouts will be fresher.
Here is a direct link for the video: http://kunaki.com/Sales.asp?PID=PX00ZBWDWU&PP=1


Kimberly December 31, 2010 at 9:09 pm

boyfriend Mark????? when did this happen?


Suzanne January 1, 2011 at 8:27 pm

No boyfriend named Mark yet….not sure what you’re referring too


Jennifer Cornbleet December 30, 2010 at 12:43 pm

The main way raw foods has changed my life is the smoothie, especially the green smoothie. Now I never have to wonder what to have for breakfast or how I’m going to feel afterwards, because I know I’ll feel GREAT. And starting the day off right means I’ll be more likely to eat healthy as the day goes on.
What’s your favorite smoothie, Sue?
This is one I’ve been making all week, that my boyfriend Mark came up with:

Creamy Berry Green Smoothie
Yield: 4 cups, 2 servings
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 banana (or 1/4 teaspoon powdered stevia)
1 cup water
1/3 cup coconut or hemp milk
1/3 cup grape or apple juice
2 tablespoons ground flax or chia seeds
2 tablespoons hemp protein powder
2 cups chard
1 cup kale

You just blend it all in the Vitamix–it’s as sweet and creamy as dessert, yet loaded with nutrition and greens and filling!



Suzanne January 1, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Thanks Jenny! You’re green smoothie looks great. I really appreciate you sharing your recipes! What I’ve been making a lot of is
1 banana
handful coconut flakes
2 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 bag frozen berries
1 heaping tbsp vitamineral green powder
couple pieces of chard or kale
water to cover

Blend in Vitamix and ENJOY! I usually place in kerr jar and take with me sealed. Yummy. Sometimes toss in superfood powders like cacao, maca, or acai.


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