Cacao Smoothie VS. The SAD Breakfast

What’s Cooking in the Thomas house?

Competing for Gut & Kitchen Space: The Cacao Smoothie VS. The SAD Breakfast

I totally understand that not everyone wants to eat cacao smoothies, wild edibles, sprouted seeds and feel ENERGIZED all day. Regardless if the benefits of eating healthy are rewarding beyond measure, if you have not experienced the benefits you will continue to eat what you always have fueled your body with.

Well….It’s So funny!!! As I was about to film the making of my healthy breakfast, A Cacao Blueberry Smoothie I walked in the kitchen to find 2 SAD Breakfasts in the making.

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Unfortunately, what most Americans eat is SAD. The Standard American Diet.

The Standard American Diet has the following traits:

  • High in animal fats
  • High in unhealthy fats: saturated, hydrogenated
  • Low in fiber
  • High in processed foods
  • Low in complex carbohydrates
  • Low in plant-based foods

Or you could fuel your body with Superfoods….

Cacao, the raw chocolate bean is known as “food for the gods”

Well gods and goddesses….I say enjoy your cacao! I like the powdered form, it’s easy to add in smoothies like the one I made in the video above.

Here are a few reasons to eat Cacao:

  • Cacao can stimulate bowel function and improve digestion.
  • Contains cover 300 chemical compounds, some that stimulates brain activity with natural euphoric, and anti-depressant qualities.
  • Cacao is high in magnesium, an essential mineral
  • Cacao is high in sulphur which helps make healthy skin, air and nails.

I do my very best not to judge and then preach upon family and friends for their dietary choices.

Un-solicited advice is usually not taken very well. And who am I to say Dad, “DON’T EAT THAT, OMG HOW COULD YOU put THAT in your BODY?”

Everybody must operate their own free will and be accountable for their actions.

I feel so great having balanced my weight and kept if off  that I am proud cheerleader for the Vita-Mix and practical raw food lifestyle. I express my free will to live a balanced healthy lifestyle and be an inspiration to others to find their balance.

Cacao Blueberry Smoothie

What would you vote for in a  Cacao Smoothie VS. SAD Breakfast contest?

Yours in Health,


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nicole b. October 6, 2010 at 9:49 am

Hi Sue,
I just found your blog while googling “Daniel Vitalis” and have been checking out some of your posts and your videos. I think what you are doing is great. I know the dichotomy of living in a household with people who have all different diets and wants and needs, and what it is like to maintain a raw food lifestyle when in an environment which may be loving, but not so supporting of the raw food lifestyle. I am a wife and mother of four, and I feel like I am a beacon of light to my family. I have 2 teenagers and 2 younger kids, so it is a balancing act to let the teenagers be who they are and not be too pushy about what foods I’m eating, while being enough of a role model for the young ones and not letting the teenagers’ diets influence the young ones too much. Its different every day. But I can totally relate to making a raw foods smoothie while the bacon and eggs are being cooked on the stove. Thank you for doing what you’re doing, keep it up!


Suzanne November 10, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Thanks for your sweet comment and telling me how you found my website! I have since moved out of that “toxic house” I was living in with my father. Apparently, I influenced him enough to start getting CSA boxes of fresh organic fruits, veges and wheatgrass. Life is a balancing act alright! I appreciate your encouragement to continue advocating healthy raw foods and balanced living.


Mary Kay June 12, 2010 at 10:14 am

Hi Suzanne, Great tips and videos. Here is my request…can you please make a raw food cook book and also show in video how you are preparing this raw food? I am going to then hire someone to “cook” for me as I am very interested in eating raw food but with the exception of the shake in the morning, I don’t like to take the time out to do all the prep etc. Thanks.


Suzanne June 30, 2010 at 1:09 pm

Hi Mary Kay, Thanks for your kind comment and suggestion. I am currently working on practical raw recipe book with lots of sprout recipes! I like to make simple, fast, delicious and super healthy meals that enliven the body. Stayed tuned and my recipe book will be out soon!


Matt Gill March 3, 2010 at 2:12 pm

I made this and it is really good. I used raw almonds for the nuts, and both cacao nibs + “chocolate prana” powder (from daily juice) — and used coconut water. added ice.

And a side of bacon. LOL j/k


francine thomas March 1, 2010 at 11:54 am

Su I love it everything in the video looked clean and pure. Your on a roll. MOM


Crystal February 28, 2010 at 9:00 pm

Sue, I usually add strawberries when making cacao smoothies. I will definitely use your recipe the next time. Thanks for the video. YUM!

Crystal T. Terrell
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..30-Year Mortgage Rate Tops 5 Percent =-.


Livia Taravella February 28, 2010 at 6:38 pm

Sue you are so cute 🙂 This smoothie sounds fab! What a great way to start the day 😉


Diedre Rose DiBlasi February 26, 2010 at 9:21 pm

Sue, your video cracks me up and I think it’s wonderful you are doing something to create positive change. Thanks for being an inspiration!! Loved your You-Tube video 🙂


Sue February 26, 2010 at 6:25 pm

Yes!!! That sounds great. I encourage you to play with recipe and create new tasty treats. The coconut milk and mac nuts together might be heavy so I would recommend using only 1/4 c of nuts if you use any at all. I am going to try that too!

Live Well!


Liz February 26, 2010 at 6:01 pm

Looks delicious! Can you make it with one less banana and use raspberries and some coconut milk? I might try it for dinner!


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