Brenda Cobb on Practical Raw Foods
Here is a special interview with Brenda Cobb from Living Foods Institute. It is really special because I lost some of the footage and managed to save the good stuff. If you don’t know Brenda, she is an amazing woman. A cancer survivor and raw foods advocate. Brenda is an author and founder of Living Foods Institute. I absolutely LOVE her honesty here about the raw food diet.
It may surprise you…
Click play on the video below to watch.

I’d really appreciate you sharing this message if it resonates with you. Foods can heal. And sprouts are a living superfood – very important in the practical raw food diet. More people should be honest about what is really working for them. I would love to hear what works, or what did NOT work for you with raw foods.
Feel free to tell me your story or ask your questions…
I am happy to say I am not %100 Raw Vegan.
Practical Raw Foods has worked for me.
To your radiant health,