Chia Seed Blue Smoothie Recipe for weight loss

The Chia Seed Blue Smoothie Recipe for weight loss is a classic you can adapt with any frozen berry.


This chia seed recipe post was created in response to Missy’s question on the BeWellWithSue facebook page. I hope you enjoy the chia seed raw food Q & A. Even with my crazy blooper on camera! OMG I can’t believe that happened…Click play to watch the video and laugh at my mistake around 8:16…never done that on film before!


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Chia seeds are great for endurance and weight loss. Give the little seeds respect and let them fuel you like a warrior!

Chia Seed Blue Smoothie Recipe

  • 2 bananas
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/4 -1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • spring water (enough to cover fruit in blender)

Blend in your VITAMIX and enjoy the Chia Seed Blue Smoothie!


Please share this post with your friends on facebook and leave me your comments! It’s always great to hear from you and see the recipes spread wide so many can enjoy the health benefits of chia seeds.


To your radiant health,



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John January 4, 2012 at 2:42 pm

Was looking for ideas for a mid-day snack and made this, AWESOME! Question: I read alot about you making raw snacks and such. Do you have any raw breakfast recipes?


Suzanne January 5, 2012 at 8:25 pm

Hey John!

I do make a bunch of raw snacks! I have the smoothie for breakfast! No eggs or sausage on the side 😉 Besides this smoothie, I like the chia pudding recipe for breakfast. That recipe is posted at I have a sprouted buckwheat granola recipe in Sproutology. Glad to see you on the blog and that you enjoyed the smoothie!


Cera Wadsworth October 4, 2011 at 7:58 am

Chia seeds are a staple to my daily intake. I love it. They go on my salads, in my water, the base to a faux pudding, mixed with cacao powder… on fruit, etc. I suppose you get the point. They are delicious and such fun little things. I ran out a few weeks ago and was so tired that whole week and wondered where all of my energy had disappeared to… then I realized I had not consumed chia. What a difference they make.
Thanks for the video.


Missy September 14, 2011 at 9:08 am

THAT WAS GREAT!!! Woo, woo!!! LOL! Thanks so much for the idea! I’m going to try and make one of those smoothies shortly.

So last night at my local market I decided to purchase some Kombucha Cherry Chia drink. And I must say I was shocked that I liked it so much!! Then I thought wow, I could mix this with and juice for breakfast. And I was excited that there was a bulk bin for chia!!

Thanks Sue for the encouragement in trying this super food. I had no idea the benefits of Chia were so powerful.

Watermelon Chia Slurpie anyone?


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