Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding with a fun September contest

Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding

A Healthy Chia Seed SuperHero Breakfast

Looking for a super good, superfood breakfast to start your day? Try this chia seed pudding and enjoy the endurance energy of chia seeds. Please share the recipe with your friends and tells me how you like it. I love to hear from you and your stories!


½ c chia seeds

2 c milk (almond milk is preferable)

½ apple or more

Handful of fresh organic strawberries chopped

Handful of blueberries

¼ tsp cinnamon or more


1.  Mix chia seeds and milk together in a bowl and let stand for 15 – 30 min

2. Stir in chopped fruit & cinnamon

3. Enjoy!


You can get chia seeds online from StarWest Botanical, and  bulk sections of some health food stores.

I have been recently intrigued by the chia seeds history as an endurance food. They are gaining attention from athletes as an endurance food popularized by long distance runners from the Tarahumara Indians of the Copper Canyon region of Mexico. These people would run 200 miles barefoot in the desert fueled by chia seeds. They must of felt that chia was high in Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and fiber. Fueled with chia seeds I have walked over 20 miles in  a day. Regardless of what your activity is, athletic or daily tasks, chia seed are a great food. Give ’em a try this week!


This is a recipe from Sproutology. Comments are encouraged and may win you a prize!

FUN little contest:

I’m going to try something new to inspire people to try new healthy foods…

If you have never had mighty chia seed – or eating this superfood pudding is new to you ~ or you want to share a chia recipe of yours…This contest is open!

I hereby invite you to participate in this September 2011 Inspire Balance Wellness contest.

The winner will receive a free autographed copy my second book-  Sproutology: The Ultimate Home Sprouting GuideBook. To enter simply try this chia seed recipe and leave me a comment with your story and experience with the chia seed. Did you feel energized? Did you feed to your family? Did you go for a walk or bike ride fueled with the chia seed? Leave your comment in the section below on this post by 6pm California time (PST) September 11, 2011. Comments must be more than one sentence. Comments with links of home-made youtube videos or facebook videos will get extra points. There may be more than one winner in this chia seed contest!

This is great! September 9th is my mothers birthday and she always encouraged me to try new healthy foods. This contest is dedicated to my mom Francine…I really hope to see a comment from my mother (of course she can’t win, because I’ve given her chia seeds 😉 )

Eat foods that fuel you well~

HAVE FUN and enjoy!

To your radiant health ~ in love and service,

Be Well,



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Suzi September 11, 2011 at 7:16 pm

My, my. I had a huge list of things to do yesterday including a strength training workout scheduled for the late afternoon. The Chia Seed and Fruit breakfast sounded great and wow, I could not believe how satisfying the meal was. I mixed the almond milk and chia seeds as suggested and let them sit in a bowl. I put one diced apple, a handful of blueberries, and four chopped fresh figs. The cinnamon was divine and I felt the recipe needed a pinch of Himalayan Salt, so added that too.

Here is what happened next. After I ate I was quite filled up but did not feel lethargic. I dove into my project which was cleaning the garage and with steadiness and stamina made incredible headway on that job. I did not even feel a notion to stop for lunch. About 3:00 p.m. I had a full quart of spring water and charged right through my strength training workout. Dinner followed.

I am so totally stoked at how well this Chia and Fruit meal agreed with me. My digestion, energy levels, and sense of well being were humming along at a much higher tone than usual. My energy was like that of a bird making a nest. Maybe this is the secret: eat little seeds like birds do and have light energy and massive stamina.

Thank you Suzanne for the inspirational recipe!



Marci Messick September 10, 2011 at 7:35 pm

Oh, one more thing. L was thinking it would work well as a frosting. Maybe chia seeds soaked in water (or juice), cocoa powder and agave nectar.


Suzanne September 10, 2011 at 9:00 pm

She is onto something! Chia Chocolate frosting sounds awesome!


Marci Messick September 10, 2011 at 7:33 pm

Hi Sue,
Thanks, for inspiring me to try chia seeds again. L, H, and I all made our own recipe. L (age 8): chia seeds, almond milk, soy milk, cinnamon, maple agave nectar, sunflower seeds, fresh apple, and apple sauce. H (age 6): chia seeds, soy milk, maple agave nectar, fresh apple, apple sauce, and coconut flakes. Me: chia seeds, almond milk, cinnamon, maple agave nectar, sunflower seeds, pepitas, fresh apple, dates, grapes and coconut flakes. We all loved it. The girls thought it was better than oatmeal and as good as cream of wheat. They both said they would eat it again. I loved mine too! Very tasty and would be great for camping. Unfortunately, however, I seem to be allergic to them. 🙁 This was my third time trying them and I have had the same strange reaction each time. What seems to be a drop in blood pressure and shaking hands. It goes away after a few minutes, so maybe it is psychological. Who knows? I’s rather not risk it, though. So, for now, I’m going to stick with quinoa. I’m still inspired by you, though! I have attempted sprouts again…have 4 varieties on the counter right now. So, not all is lost:) cheers, Marci


Suzanne September 10, 2011 at 9:02 pm

Hi Marci,

That is an interesting reaction alright! You body is telling you something. Thanks for sharing, I wonder if other people have had a similar reaction after eating them? Quinoa is great food too!


Missy September 10, 2011 at 4:15 pm

Will you be posting other Chia seed recipes? I’m intrigued by the chia smoothie.


Suzanne September 10, 2011 at 5:24 pm

Sure Missy I will be happy to post the chia smoothie. 😉


Shantelle September 10, 2011 at 2:22 pm

Hi Sue,
Thanks for this recipe!!! My 8 year old daughter and I made this about an hour ago and LOVE it! She said its Awesome 🙂 I also was feeling quite hungry and low energy before a little bowl of this and now I feel satisfied and energized! Time for play in the sunny back yard 🙂
I have been eating chia seeds (and apple cider vinegar) over the last 5 months and have lost 20 lbs so to say the least, I looove chia seeds and feel so good about adding them to our life. This chia pudding recipe is a new favorite and I have you to thank 🙂 sooo again….THANK YOU!! I am looking forward to trying all kinds of variations with fruit and spices.


Suzanne September 10, 2011 at 5:22 pm

You are very welcome! Please let me know your favorite variations. For awhile I was on good ole simple apple cinnamon kick!


Rita September 10, 2011 at 1:57 pm

Suzanne – thank you for so much healthy inspiration and most of all your sparkling and loving Vibration.
I have been using chia-seeds for a while in smoothies & fruitsalads, but I’ve only used like 1/2 – 1 tsp…
How much do you use to feel the power?
All the Best 🙂


Suzanne September 10, 2011 at 5:20 pm

Hi Rita! Thanks for your comment and question. When I put the chia my superfood smoothies…I don’t measure, but it’s probably close to 2 tbsp. The pudding and crackers have mainly a chia base – so its a lot more chia seeds per serving. Just as important to get enough good high vibe fuel, its important to not mix in too many low vibrational foods.


Suzi September 10, 2011 at 12:22 pm

Going to go try it and see how I feel now, this morning! I am so grateful I have all the ingredients and now the perfect recipe for this active day ahead. Thank you Suzanne!


Paige Kirkman September 9, 2011 at 12:08 pm

Up until your previous chia recipe post, I had no idea chia seeds could be eaten, nor did I know how much I would love them! My only exposure for 37 years came in the form of holiday commercials for Chia Pets. Thanks to your posts, I have fallen in love with a fantastic super food that carries me thru the day with abundant energy and zero cravings. I have the energy to do my P90X workouts and 3 mile jogs around the neighborhood without running out of steam. I love to add raisins, apples, bananas, raw cacao powder, and/or cinnamon with vanilla coconut milk. I haven’t tried strawberries or blueberries yet, but will as soon as I get to the store. You truly are an inspiration! I have my first sprouting jar and seeds ready to go and enjoyed my first batch of kale chips this morning after mixing up your recipe (with the carrot)…absolutely delish! Thank you!!!! 🙂


Suzanne September 9, 2011 at 12:15 pm

*Sue gets chills all over* Thank You for your comment!!!


Missy September 9, 2011 at 8:47 am

How long do chia seeds last? I was given some to try last year and they’re still in a sealed package. I was nervous to try them out but am slowly being convinced to give them a go because of your posts.


Suzanne September 9, 2011 at 10:39 am

Great question Missy! Chia seeds that are stored properly- in a sealed container, out of heat and direct light have a shelf life of many years. That is one of the beautiful things about seeds, they are designed by mother nature for storage. Seeds are made to sprout and provide nutrition when needed. The fats in chia seed are very stable compared to other seeds such as flax. Although flax is all so good source of omega 3 and 6, the oils can go rancid quickly. That is why you see flax oil in a dark bottle stored in the fridge section at health food stores. I have eaten chia seeds that I stored in Kerr jars 2 years after purchasing, and found them delicious!

I have a big smile from reading your comment! Yeah! Just what I was hoping….to encourage people to try new superfoods! Go CHIA!!!!


fran your mom September 8, 2011 at 9:41 pm

I like the chia seed for all one can make with this magical seed. What super food category is it under?


Suzanne September 8, 2011 at 10:05 pm

Hi Mom! You made it online! Thank you for teaching me so much about good food! I don’t think super food necessarily have categories. I suppose they could be grouped based on food type (seed, root, fruit) or properties (antioxidant, super nutrition, healing, etc). Chia is a super nutritious seed, great for weight loss and endurance!


Dave Donnelly September 8, 2011 at 9:45 am

That looks awesome, I’m going to try it!


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