The Art of Commitment
Crossing a bridge or jumping takes a committed decision. Once you make the decision and choice for health, its different on the other side. I know you can do anything you put your mind to!
You just gotta make the decision. Click play on the video below and hopefully you’ll get inspired to cross that next bridge in-front of you!

Awesome adventures with Sue and Maple Dog tells the message of commitment in doggie language.
Maple loves the water and swimming. She all so likes jumping off rocks into the water. Maple has no problem making that committed decision to jump in the water chasing after a stick. Maple see’s her goal of getting the stick and leaps in with full faith.
Maple’s friend does not like jumping and will not leave the safety of the ground. We are all different. That is what makes the world so special. Click play on the video below to watch Maple Dog jump fearlessly off a cliff into the water 8 feet below…

Committing to your highest good and best interest for your health does not mean you need to go JUMP off a rock or cross a bridge. However, you may feel that same resistance wanting to stay on comfortable and stable ground when you have challenging choices to make and you are going in a new direction. It can be hard to leave familiar ground and make new choices.
Our choices are bridges we cross in life. New choices will connect you to new possibilities. And the healthier ones we makes- we are connected to healthier environments.
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To your radiant health,