Fall Juice Feast Day 1


Hello there.

Grab a glass and enjoy abundant juice!

Wowza! Can you believe how fast this year has flown by? It seems like just yesterday I was shoveling March snow, and now a full spring and summer have passed and we are looking at the fall leaves on the aspen trees. Like the leaves changing color and dropping, shedding old skin to allow for new growth- fall is a time to let go. To let go of old un-serving emotions and un-serving habits that don’t support the best you.

The beginning of November is a wonderful time to cleanse the body with a 3 day Fall Juice Feast and let go of anything unwanted.

So let’s feast together and support each other!

You’re invited to the

Fall 3 Day Juice Feast Nov. 4th, 5th and 6th


Have as much fresh, home-made juice as possible while avoiding solid foods for 3 days, to allow the body to rest, cleanse and detox. It is Fall, so let’s focus on what is in season and how it can help our bodies. Root vegetables for grounding into our true selves and cleansing the liver & Leafy greens for chlorophyll to help cleanse the blood.
Note:This fall juice feast is for you so treat yourself with LOVE AND DO WHAT YOU FEEL IS RIGHT FOR YOU. Do 100% juice and fast completely from food OR add one juice or more a day, whatever you want to do. You are fully responsible for yourself. We will start with the intention of 100% FRESH JUICE for 3 days and intend to inspire others to juice fast too. This is a supportive group event. Recipes will be shared, emotions released, bodies cleaned and excess weight shed.


  • I will post my recipes with video juicing demonstrations and tips here on the Be Well With Sue blog each day.
  • Currently 45 people are participating in the Fall Juice Feast.
  • There is a facebook event page up: Practical Raw Food Living 3 Day FALL JUICE FEAST. Come stop by so we can support each other and share with ease!
  • I’d love to hear from you and want to know what you’re drinking and how you feel.
  • Due to the video recording details and time restraints, the videos will be posted for each day by midnight.



Fresh Start Fall Juice Feast – Day 1

Fresh Carrot and Orange Juice was on the menu today. Check out the video demo now by clicking play.

Enjoy and happy juicing!

YouTube Preview Image

Fresh Carrot and Orange Juice

serves 1-2

mix together:

3/4 cup fresh carrot juice

1 cup fresh orange juice

Steps: 1.Process carrots to make juice in a single ajar juicer. 2.  Use a citrus juicer to make fresh orange juice.

3. Mix it together and enjoy!


Other drinks I had during the juice feast:

Green Get UP

  • ¼ bunch of dandelion greens
  • ¼ head red cabbage
  • 1 lemon (skinned removed)
  • 3 stalks of celery

Juice the above ingredients and enjoy!

Green Machine

3 servings

This one is a bit bitter and can clean your machine! Get ready for pure chlorophyll booster on your body!

  • ½ bunch leafy kale
  • ½ bunch dinosaur kale
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • 1 cucumber
  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 2 cloves of garlic

Juice the above ingredients and enjoy!

The Green Queen

  • ½ bunch dandelion greens
  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 1 apple
  • 1 beet (golden or red)

Juice the above ingredients and enjoy!

Royal Red

  • 2 apples
  • ½ bunch dinosaur kale
  • 1 cucmber
  • 1 beet

Juice the above ingredients. Mix with a spoon and add a pinch of salt. Enjoy!

Choco-Wanna Bee

  • 2 heads romaine lettuce
  • 4 carrots

Juice the above ingredients and enjoy!

I tell ya’ this one tastes like chocolate mylk, but way better for you!


I’m off to make a green drink…



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Marie-Reine Gaudet November 4, 2011 at 5:14 pm

So do you drink this the whole day or is it just one drink? I’m new at this.


Suzanne November 4, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Hey there! You should mix it up throughout the day. I’ve had this carrot and orange juice and a couple green drinks so far. It’s good to get in a variety of foods so we don’t get bored. The bitter the greens, the better for ya…so make sure to get in your greens. I’m working on a little handout for juice feasting that should help ya! That way recipes and important tips can all be in one place 😉 Now is the perfect time to keep asking questions!


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