Fast & Fun Valentines Treat: Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Mandarins

If you love chocolate and sweet fruit this quick and easy recipe is a must try!

And really who does not like chocolate dipped strawberries???

This post and video was thrown together last minute before I make the final push of my move to Sacramento. So please excuse the choppy transitions and poor lighting in the kitchen! I just had to share the love!!

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Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Mandarins

Prep Time: 30 min


Organic Strawberries


Coconut Flakes (unsweetned)

Chocolate chips or your favorite chocolate bar

Optional: crushed macadamias nuts


Get creative and enjoy playing with your food! The thickness of chocolate coating and additional toppings are totally up to you and your taste buds.

  1. Melt chocolate chips in double boiler on medium heat stirring the chocolate occasionally
  2. Wash and prep fruit, it’s best if strawberries are dry before being dipped
  3. Dip in melted chocolate
  4. Top with optional coconut flakes, crushed macadamia nuts
  5. Gently place on a tray or plate lined with aluminum foil or wax paper
  6. Place tray in fridge to set chocolate, or freezer if you want them fast!
  7. Surprise a Loved One!!

Chocolate dipped mandarins with coconut flakes are one of my favorite finger foods to bring to potlucks. Fingers foods are fun great to share!!

I think the old saying “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” goes for women too!

Happy V-Day!

With Love,


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Rose Goddess February 22, 2010 at 11:45 am

Those look so delicious!!! Yummy! Thanks for sharing!
.-= Rose Goddess´s last blog ..Eliminate Energy Drainers for Instant Manifestation of Your Desires =-.


Sue February 19, 2010 at 11:33 am


I don’t know why I did not make them more while living in the rolling foothills!!! Maybe the same reason I did not rock climb more while living in Yosemite…. the changing of seasons and my attention focused elsewhere…on boys and toys 😉


Craig Allen February 16, 2010 at 5:39 pm

Those look treats look delicious! How come we never made these when we lived near so many mandarin orchards????
.-= Craig Allen´s last blog ..Do Gravitational Elements Bring Us All Down Eventually? =-.


Livia Taravella February 16, 2010 at 5:24 pm

Yummyyyy…..just what I was craving 😉


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