How to eat Practical Raw while being a dirt bag biologist. The 3 P’s

The 3 Key P’s to eating Practical Raw Foods while being a dirtbag biologist

Plan, Prioritize and Pick-Up

Have Truck and Will Travel? Willing to spend 10 + hours a day outside in the sun or rain, hiking and observing nature?

Maybe you would like to be biologist. A dirt-bag is someone who is dirty from mother nature…in need of a shower, and they like it that way. Every night looking up at the open sky, in tune with the moon cycle and intimate with the plants and wildlife in the area…knowing most by name.

A dirtbag biologist is a different breed of folks.  I’m proud to leave my makeup in the car for nights I dream of going out to eat and dressing up to play in the city in trade for steel toe boots, a hand-lens and compass.

In the summer of 2011 I had the opportunity to work as biologist in the high desert of California. All of my previous experience working as a biologist has been as a botanist (study of plants) and close to home in the Sierra Nevada or Range of Light. This year is vastly different, as I’m living out my truck in the desert and despite being tight on space in my new living room/kitchen/bedroom (Toyota truck bed with small camper), I made room for the Vitamix  and a cooler full of raw foods and a tub that stores SUPERFOODS.

Here is what I’ve learned about staying healthy and high raw or practical raw as dirtbag biologist. My face looks pale from all the mineral block sunscreen I applied prior to making this video, but I hope you’ll enjoy it and learn some good tips for eating raw while traveling.

Click Play to Watch the Video Below and Enjoy!

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The 3 P’s

  • Plan
  • Priortize
  • Pick Up

Truck parked in Tahoe

and then on the go with friends…

Silver is in good company, and running excellent, even with the 10 gallons of spring water = 70 lbs

Eating Practical raw or high raw takes a commitment no matter where you are or what you do for a living.

Living on the road and always on the go, just make things a little more challenging and gives the opportunity for

focused planning. Thanks for stopping by today! I would love to hear your feedback!

To your radiant health and beauty,


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nascar April 2, 2013 at 4:00 am

I rarely drop responses, however after browsing a few of the responses here 3 keys to Practical Raw
Food while being a dirtbag biologist | Be Well With Sue.
I do have a few questions for you if it’s okay. Is it only me or do a few of the comments come across as if they are left by brain dead visitors? 😛 And, if you are posting on additional online sites, I would like to follow you. Would you list of the complete urls of all your social pages like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?


Suzanne April 2, 2013 at 10:48 am


If someone is brave enough to comment – they can’t be a dead brain visitor! No stupid questions!

As requested, here is a list of my social media pages:

I look forward to connecting in the digital world 😉 Sue Thomas


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