How to Make Chia Pudding & Sprouting Alfalfa part 2 During the Sprout-A-Thon

Chia pudding for breakfast? Heck YES!

In this video I show you how to make a simple chia pudding for breakfast and continue sprouting alfalfa seeds in a jar. This pudding is very nutritious, as chia seeds are considered a superfood. They are a great source of Omega 3 and 6, calcium, iron, protein and have a fabulous texture. My dad claims it is SO good that the chia pudding will replace his oatmeal for breakfast.

There will be more to come with the Sprout – A- Thon next week as the sprouts grow and I prepare for the filming of the Sproutology DVD.

Click play to watch  How to Make Chia Pudding & Sprout-A-Thon updates

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Simple Chia Pudding

½ c chia seeds

2 c milk ( today I used almond milk )

½ apple or more

¼ tsp cinnamon or more


  1. Mix chia seeds and milk together in a bowl and let stand for 15 – 30 min
  2. Stir in chopped apple & cinnamon
  3. Enjoy! And let me know what you think!


If you have any questions about practical raw food, please don’t hesitate to ask me on the

Practical Raw Food Q & A page. Click here to post a question.


Next week during the  SPROUT – A- THON I will be testing recipes submitted by professional chefs for Sproutology! Yummy!!! Finger licking good…;)

I would love to hear what you think about the simple chia pudding and chia seeds in general. Please post your comments down below.

Be Well!

In balance,


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Monica March 24, 2010 at 12:21 pm

can’t wait to try this – it looks delicious and it’s so easy. thanks for sharing Sue – you’re so cute.


Miriam Proefrock March 24, 2010 at 4:41 am

Thanks Sue, The chia pudding is lovely. Yesterday I made it with only water as I didn’t have any almond milk but it was still delicious. When I got home I made almond milk so today I will make it with the milk. I am hooked for sure.


Crystal March 22, 2010 at 6:16 pm

Thank you Suzanne, This was so good. I had all the ingredients on hand and this was really easy to make. Once again, thank you for sharing such great information.

Crystal T. Terrell
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..Tell Me About The $8000 Tax Credit =-.


TraceyLynne March 22, 2010 at 9:24 am

THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful recipe. I love chia and almond milk and always have both around. I use chia in frescas, smoothies, and sprinkled on salads. Never thought of combining the chia and almond milk though. My younger children are a little hesitant to eat chia because of the gel that is produced when added to a liguid. I made this “pudding” this morning and they LOVED it. Reminded them of fruity tapioca pudding. THANK YOU!


Sue March 21, 2010 at 11:02 pm

Renee, I bet you’ll enjoy them!

Irma, I like them in smoothies too! There are great because they slow down the absorption of everything else in the smoothie, so you don’t get a massive sugar rush from the fruits! They are even cute with funky patterns! LOL


Irma March 21, 2010 at 10:32 pm

I love chia seeds I put them in smoothies for a thicker consistency without having to use bananas.


Renee Rubio March 21, 2010 at 8:55 pm

wow, Suzanne, this came at the perfect time..I should be getting my first order of chia seeds delivered to me any day now…never tried them before but have wanted to for a long time!


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