First of all, I would like start out by acknowledging Katie Freiling and Tony Robbins for inspiring this post. The two of them greatly helped me change my perspective on a huge problem I was facing into an opportunity for personal growth. Although your problems may be huge and seem unbearable…
Life is like a bowl of cherries…
There are sweet spots….and pits in life…click play on the video below to see how to spit your pits and turn them into power.

How well we deal with our “pits” or problems in life IS what allows for personal growth.
When you fully acknowledge your problem at hand and ACCEPT it without any resistance, you are in a position to make new choices. By making NEW choices and NEW actions you will RENEW your POWER.
I believe the “pits” we face are our individual life lessons. That is why everybody has different problems… We all have different life lessons unique to our personal path…
and problems are the greatest teachers. They all the warning signal that you are off path…
The bigger the signal or problem, the farther you have strayed from your path…
With the intent you can learn from my mistakes, I am humbled to be able to share my story of turning a traumatic situation and huge problem into a positive lesson.
I must have been way off my path, because my last Pit was huge…read on if you want to see my terrifying experience that was so horrible it represents a turning point on my life path…
I was robbed at gunpoint (at home), had my identity stolen, computer stolen (with some of my work on Sproutology), and then went to Tahoe to “escape” and got a flat tire on my truck!
Fortunately, I have taken new actions and my new pits have been getting smaller. Last week I got another flat on a road bike ride. I was grateful I was able to get the tire off the rim (this is usually super hard for me), fix the flat inner tube and get back on the road relatively quickly.
So PLEASE pay heed to small problems…face your pits and take new action to find another sweet spot in life…before you have to face another and even larger pit.
Because I believe everything happens for a reason…there are no accidents in life..or maybe the accidents are problems we create to hopefully learn a lesson…
So…what I did to turn a MAJOR PIT into personal power…you can too!
The Action steps for turning a “Pit” into Power
- Fully Acknowledge Pit (denial can suck you in…)
- Accept Problem (own the Pit)
- Decide to take new ACTION
- Find another sweet spot in life (spit the PIT out!!!)
- Have gratitude for the Pit you just spit
Since we all have problems that represent themselves with negative emotions …full acknowledgement of your problems is the key. This is step 1.
A good number of us prefer to blame others for our problems and play the victim role…this is what step 2 is about. No blaming others or throwing your problems on others. You know how people like to toss problems back and forth, almost in competition. Lame…everyone has problems, why should you try and one up a problem anyway. That just brings more attention and energy into YOUR problem.
While all the steps are critical, taking new ACTION is paramount in turning your Pits into Power. Without new action, there will be no growth and you will create a new problem, an even bigger problem…
To find another sweet spot in life, start taking new actions.
Everybody makes mistakes. It is a “miss” “take”. You gotta take new action, or else you will get the same result, making more mistakes! When you don’t deal with things and resist a problem, stay in denial, have fear of facing a situation; that very problem you’re avoiding only grows and drains your personal power. This is a fact of life. A part of being human.
The saying “what you resist, will persist” is very true.
At some point the universe will provide a wake-up call in the form of an uncomfortable situation. The uncomfortable position you have created is a test to see if you are ready to learn a lesson. These “tests” and lessons will accumulate and get bigger if you choose to stay in a resistance mode and avoid your problems.
We all get the opportunity to grow. When we have negative experiences, whatever they may be, they are simply the universe providing a warning signal for you to wake up saying
hey YOU!!! Get back on path! something is not serving you in your life, are YOU READY to change YET??? . If you are not ready for the growth… that is okay. No problem at all… keep going about your business and I will provide another life lesson. The universe is non-judgmental.
But when you decide to change what is not serving your highest good and then take new action, that problem you have been running from will disappear.
I am your personal guide on the path of life.
I think you are ready, so I presented a test because I know you can grow when you make that decision.
With Abundant Unconditional Love,
Your Spirit Guide.
After the decision is made to take new action, and then the Action is Performed, you will find yourself more inline with your spirit. Your inner light will shine brighter and the universe will reward you with another sweet spot in life!
Having gratitude for the pit is the final step in transforming your problem into power.
The pit is what allowed for the transformation. So be grateful!
And enjoy your sweet spots while indebted for the pits.
Thank you so much for spending time with me here today. Please share this post with your friends if you enjoyed and found some value out of my “pit” story.
Life is a bowl of cherries! Go ahead and spit out your personal “pits”.
I would love. love. love your comments on this post….so what do you think about the bowl of cherries analogy for personal growth? Please do share.
I am here spitting with you and to help you CREATE BALANCE…
In Service and with Love,
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
OH MY GOD SUZANNE! I’m so glad that you are ok and have taken being robbed as a learning experience. That is difficult to do but you are an inspiration!
I am also beginning a path to learning and growing and it is SO HARD! I’m reading this book called, “Feel the fear… and do it anyway!” and it’s great! It’s exactly what you are talking about in your video! When growing up in a negative household, old habits die hard and take a LONG time to change. However, I cannot cast blame upon my parents because they did the best they could with the knowledge they had.
I do want help to stay on the path to eating healthy though. I have remained vegetarian but raw food and vegan are difficult for me. Do you have any advice for combating hormonal cravings? Every 3 weeks, I seem to go off the deep end with food, mood, etc. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
Thank you and keep up the positivity!
Force to you for flip siding such a traumatic experience. It’s so true that instead of comparing who has it worse we must face our situation and use it to help us grow. It always helps to share and I’m grateful to you for the inspiration you give us. Thank you so much and congratulations again on your new found energy. xx
Suzanne I loved this video! I’m so happy that you survived that horrible experience and are now a stronger and happier person because of it. Cheers to enjoying life and cherries!
What a wonderful way to look at life in this way. You are so right about playing the victim. I have never thought of the bad things that happen to me and other people about being life lessons. This was beautifully written! I loved your cherry analogy. I will never look at a cherry the same way again. =) This was so touching. thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts with us!
You are very welcome! I am so happy to be able to do so!!!
Much love,