Raw vegan food VS. meat eaters

Diets should nourish and not divide us…

The Screen-shot above is from my facebook page about a week ago now, as I write this blog post. I felt like I had to follow-up with what is probably my most “liked” status update that I’ve posted yet on facebook! Plus it was fun to play around with screen capture software and make those pretty red arrows pointing out “Over 30 Thumbs Up” and drawing attention to my shameless pitch for my new:

Be Well With Sue Facebook Page

But overall the status update was kinda controversial…I’m basically saying STOP TRYING TO DIVIDE PEOPLE WITH YOUR DIET CHOICES.

I don’t think one diet is best suited for everyone. You are the master of your health and your body will tell you when something is off balance. The most important thing is to listen to your body and its warning signals. I hate it when I see people beat themselves up for falling off some imaginary wagon of a diet they have put themselves on. There is no “one way” or the highway to reach your most optimal health.

So why try to get people on “your side” with disturbing propaganda?

I created a 5 minute follow-up video from my iphone for you to watch. Technology is pretty amazing these days!!! I think its ironic because in the video I literally am stuck on the highway in a snow storm.  Click play to watch the video of my vegan raw food vs. meat eaters rant.

YouTube Preview Image

I recommend you learn more about what Dr. Mercola has to say regarding Nutritional Typing and discover your nutritional type. That way you will know exactly what types of fuels your body needs to run optimally.

It’s is FREE and just takes an open mind…

For me I turned out to be carb type with veges – so my practical raw food diet is fueling me wonderfully!

If you found this post valuable please share it with your friends on facebook and give me a ‘ howdy do Sue’ in the comment section!

Together we can create and live in balance.

To Your Best Health,


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Maddie September 7, 2011 at 9:42 am

Hey Sue! Great video for me, relatively new to the concept of RAW and SPROUTED foods. You’ve inspired me to learn more about this way of eating and I’m looking forward to feeling the results. I’m ready for my FRESH START :>)


Suzanne September 7, 2011 at 10:44 am

I’m glad you liked the video Maddie! Thank you soooo much for your sweet comment. They inspire me to keep creating videos and sharing my lessons!


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