In appreciation for Daniel Vitalis, Kevin and Annmarie Gianni, Katie Freiling, and Craig Allen

Daniel Vitalis, Kevin and Annmarie Gianni, Katie Freiling, and Craig Allen


For the past few years I have done a New Year Process that allows for greater clarity on what I really want to create that next year.

The New Year Process starts by reflecting back on what you gained, lost, learned and what surprised you the past year.

Then you rank 17 categories of your life in priority and write down in sensory specific terms what you intend to create for each category.

The process has been very powerful and it’s extremely interesting to reflect back how I ranked the categories last year and what I DID come to experience.

This year while reflecting back on 2009, I realized some people where very influential in my life.  So extremely influential that I decided to write about them and highly encourage  you to follow the work they do!

Here is why…

My learning curve in the health category was exponential with the influence of Daniel Vitalis and Kevin & Annmarie Gianni. They opened my mind and have greatly enriched my life.

Katie Freiling and Craig Allen enriched my life in many of the personal growth categories.

Daniel Vitalis

Daniel came onto my radar in early February 2009. A good friend had recommended his ElixirCraft program, which l listened to while driving to Whistler, BC on a ski trip.  The program is full of great information and my ears perked to his message regarding water.

A few points he makes include the microscopic pieces of tampons in municipal water supplies along with; anti-depressants and other chemicals not filtered out in the water treatment plants.

Not to gross you out, but the bottom line is I was blown away with what I learned.

The knowledge I received from him on the benefits of drinking spring water was so influential that I made the decision to drink spring water stored in glass bottles as my primary water source.

This has been a major change in my healthy lifestyle.

It started with Mountain Valley Water and has transitioned to seeking natural springs to collect spring water.

It is hard to me to say I have many regrets in life, because I really trust everything happens for a reason.

The lesson may be hard and unpleasant, but that is why the misfortune occurred- to hammer home the point. This year was full of many big lessons!

Well, I regret not collecting and drinking spring water from Fern Spring in Yosemite while I worked in the park and lived so close to a pure water source. At the time I was drinking very hard well water and had no idea what I was missing out on.

I started visiting springs and collecting Spring Water in June.  There is something very special about harvesting your water… you get a deep appreciation for the pure living water, the ability to physically connect with the land and the water tastes wonderful.

Since discovering Daniel’s work I have become an educated connoisseur of fine water.

I recently drove over 3 hours to collect water from a spring documented on

Daniel and I on a hike in the Greenbelt. Austin, TX

In Oct. 2009 I attended a live workshop with Daniel Vitalis. I was even more impressed with his presentation and the energy he emitted. I wrote a post on one of the elixirs he whipped up for us – the controversial colostrum and coffee.

Check out and

Kevin and Annmarie Gianni

Kevin and Annmarie Gianni continued to deliver raw and vegan friendly educational info I was interested in an entertaining fashion in 2009. Watching their daily health show Renegade Health, I felt like I always had a boost in motivation to eat the best possible. In August 2009, I was fortunate to meet them in person and hear Kevin speak at the Living Light International Expo about cravings.

AnnMarie and I at Living Light Expo. Fort Bragg, CA

Kevin told us the story of the ‘brownie’ that called his name. The question that Kevin asked himself- and I have since asked myself – what is the better option? Is there a healthier option?

This simple question, when answered with honesty if life changing. By making one better choice after another, your health is bound to improve.

Kev and Annmarie are always providing great information on raw and vegan living.

You gotta check out their show at, It’s awesome!

Katie Freiling

Personal development and social media master, Katie Freiling poked some holes in my comfort bubble in 2009.

For some reason I always go check out her blog when she has just posting something that I was READY to hear.

Finding what your purpose is, opening to your full potential…She gets deep into the heart of personal development.

I particularly was influenced by her post about the parrot in the cage story. This post is really shocked me, as it resonated so true with me. I was holding myself back in this invisible cage I created with my mind.

I was aware of what habits were not serving me and not willing to fully let them go, so I could fly free and soar to my full potential.

Katie encouraged me to start blogging. This blog Be Well With Sue came to life with the help of Katie’s inspiration and training!

Check out Katie’s work at and enjoy getting out of your comfort zone this year!

Moving out of your comfort zone is the ONLY way for change & growth.

Craig Allen


Craig and I have shared many years together as lovers and friends. He is without a doubt the most influential person in my life other than my parents.

So to write a post honoring influential people of 2009 without mentioning Craig would be erroneous.

In Daily Juice Cafe. Austin, TX

I could write an entire book about everything I have learned about myself and relationships with Craig Allen.

Although this is hard to write…2009 was crazy for us….the wedding that never happened……. and I still want to be friends???

Seasons are changing....

I am going to share some of our story in this post to honor the New Year Process and the new beginning for us as individuals.

We met in the halls of the science department at Sierra College back in 1998. I vividly recall our first camping trip together at Mono Lake.

I was attracted to the boy and his white Toyota…

We played games for years and did the on and off again thing but always remained friends.  We have a lot in common and Craig always stimulated my intellect.

Although some of what he shared I did not agree with. I respect Craig for the things he has allowed me to learn about myself and all the wonderful people and things he has introduced me to.

Craig introduced me to Core Health, NCR (Neuro Cellular Reprogramming, a wide variety of personal growth books and programs, sun-gazing, Vipassana, Internet Marketing, and so much more.

Maybe now he will blog more at sunfirelive.

Our 10 year relationship with a rocky foundation was fairly solid for the past 3 years.

After my first Vipassana course, I proposed to him by a gentle stream- literally the day he picked me up. That was Nov 2007.

After my second Vipassana course he ended the relationship over a phone call Jan 11, 2010.  And it all worked for the best. It was a good thing I had time to regroup at the meditation center.  And our relationship is over for good reason.

I learned so many lessons. The catalyst from Craig life lessons book would be interesting for sure.

Of course, the hardest part is separating the kids and everything we created together….

They really loved to play together!!!

As much as I still love him and am attracted to him-We are better off as friends. It has to be this way. I will be back in California next month. Although it’s challenging to end this chapter – I am thrilled about creating my future and writing a new book!

May 2010 be a year full of wonderful growth for YOU!

Be Well,


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Rose Goddess January 29, 2010 at 7:32 pm

Awesome Post Sue! These are amazing leaders to learn from and hang out with:)
.-= Rose Goddess´s last blog ..“To Thine Own Self Be True” ~ The Power of Journaling =-.


Cheryl MacNaughton January 21, 2010 at 3:24 am

Suzanne your new blog is great. Good to see you now getting out of your self imposed cage. We all are programmed with other peoples intentions. It starts with our parents, then our teachers and friends and the significant other we share our life with. When the programming is no longer working we are forced to look at the “why” and search for new information and resources. When we have great people in our lives that influence and expand our minds with positive intentions and to see new possibilities there is no limit to horizon. The greatest compliment you can every give or receive is the one of trust and respect. Your blog is a glowing testimonial to your spirit of respect for those you are grateful to know, love and learn from. Keep the engine fueled with your positive energy and continue to see that the universe does deliver what you seek. I look forward to reading your book.


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