Meet Sue
About Me
Hello! Welcome to my official website!
My name is Suzanne Thomas and I’m a health coach and wellness motivator. This site is full of information about natural health and wellness tips that will help you feel great and live the life of your dreams. I am very passionate about living a practical healthy lifestyle that optimally supports the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of myself and I want to help YOU do the same.
I created this website to help empower and inspire you in your journey of ideal of health and wellness, so you may BE living the life of your dreams. I truly want to help you lose weight, get more energy, live life to the fullest and simply BE the BEST YOU can.
So a little about me…
I grew up in northern California in the rolling foothills of the Sierra Nevada. I had a great childhood raised by two health conscious parents with one younger brother. We always ate balanced meals, exercised together and were raised to keep our health a top priority.
I have a deep appreciation for wild things and love spending time outside. I enjoy biking, rock climbing, skiing, gardening and playing with the dogs. I especially respect plants and went to college at Humboldt State University to become a botanist. I worked as botanist for Yosemite National Park up until Spring 2008 when I moved to Florida to be with my fiancé.
Leaving California along with my friends, family and job was hard for me.
I missed my friends, family and all my ‘favorite’ places…
I started to not pay attention to what I was eating. I ate emotionally- I would catch myself eating when I was not hungry and often ended up feeling bloated. I had stopped exercising for work hiking around looking at flowers, gained weight and had little motivation to do anything. I was sad and things seemed to just go day to day.
I felt fat, unhappy and lonely…..
We took a vacation and returning home I really felt the PVBs (Post Vacation Blues). They were not from having to return to work, because I had quit my job in Yosemite and actually missed my co-workers. However, showing pictures to my family I felt humiliated. MY blunt grandmother said I looked fat! I was already unhappy with my life and that was a stab that hurt deeply.

Rock Climbing in Puerto Rico
The reason I share this is because I want you to know that I know exactly how it feels to look in the mirror and think…OH MY GOD where did that extra tire come from?…. How did I get so fat? I want to be sexy again.
That day was a turning point, it just hit me, something had to change. I would start with changing my eating habits. There has to be something better than this. Although I was eating healthy vegetarian foods and exercising a little, something obviously needed to change. I had gained over 30 lbs!
In came the power of raw foods……
I first found out about the raw food lifestyle in 2003 when my mother took me to an “uncooking” class. I left the class full of enthusiasm and ate 100% raw for 1 week. With the massive change from my primarily cooked vegetarian diet, I started to experience uncomfortable headaches. No one had told me anything about the symptoms of detox, so I thought was doing something wrong and went back to eating primarily vegetarian.
Fortunately a friend of mine introduced me to a Hippocrates health educator in Florida. I was reminded of the healing powers of food.
I learned tons about sprouting, superfoods and juicing. I learned about how to cleanse, which really gets the toxins out! I continued to meet more people, read more books and surround myself with raw foodies.
I passionately continued to discover the benefits of eating pure food and discovered more about myself.
Realizing physical foods are only a fraction of the issue….
I committed myself to personal growth and worked on the subconscious mind. I created a vision board, started meditating regularly and doing yoga. I began to really understand how interconnected our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are. And that no matter how good you eat, if your emotional mind is out of balance you will hold extra weight for comfort.
With nothing to lose but weight….
Now with nothing to lose but weight, I challenged myself to eat 100% raw. The results were dramatic. The excess weight melted off, my mood improved and I was feeling great results. Whoooo hoooo! Before I knew it those extra 35 pounds of emotional fat had disappeared.

I feel great!
Over the years I found it is best for me to live a practical raw lifestyle. This lifestyle keeps me skinny and feeling great without ever having a craving or denying myself!
And now, after transforming my life I have a great desire to help others transform theirs. I want to do my part in spreading knowledge about healthy eating and personal development to better the planet! You see better you become, the more you have to give back to the world. It’s a WIN WIN!!
Friends wanted to know how I got the glow…..
And Be Well With Sue was born as a resource to empower people to live healthy lives. It is a great place for me to express myself and give back to the world.
Let’s Do it Together…..
Join me on my path of personal growth and living a practical raw lifestyle. If you subscribe to this blog right here and stayed tuned to my message you will get inspiration along with tricks and tips to live your healthy life. I am very excited to share my knowledge and increase the quality of your life. So make sure to leave your name and email and you’ll get my blog posts sent directly to your inbox.
Be Well,