Practical Raw Food Q & A

Practical Raw Food Q & A

I am happy to answer your questions about Practical Raw Food, so when you have questions please post them as comments and I will answer!

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sarah June 6, 2010 at 7:05 am

hi sue, thanks for sharing your super sweet tips for a successful life with us all…
i live in spain (mallorca) and have bought some kresse sprouts from an organics shop with instructions in german… if they are instructions at all- i cant really read/understand them…
i have done the usual- soaked them overnight in water and now i am trying to drain them- but these little seeds are holding onto what looks like a gelatinous coating around them, and won’t drain…
there is a trick to cress sprouts isn’t there, and im thinking you might know what it is…
thanks, sarah.


Suzanne June 30, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Hi Sarah,

I really appreciate your kind comment! It warms my heart to know that people around the world enjoy my website!

I have not sprouted cress myself and did some research with my friends at Sprout People to find an answer for you.
Here is what I found: cress is a mucilaginous seed (similar to flax and chia) and will get a jelly like covering when soaked in water. Just as you discovered, they can not drain. For sprouting it is best to NOT soak them and plant the cress seeds directly in soil or a soil-less medium that retains water. I would like to try a moist paper towel or cheesecloth…
Alternatively, you can mix the cress seeds with other non-mucilaginous seeds in the correct ratios and sprout as you normally would.
I am going to have to try cress sprouts now! Here is the link for the Sprout People website .

Hope that helps. Happy Sprouting!



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