My secret exposed for losing 35 lbs with a Practical Raw Food Diet

It was an honor to be featured in the newspaper and expose my secret of the practical raw food diet for weight loss.

Now that the secret is out, spread the word…eat 50-80%  raw living foods, live a balanced life, exercise and  be grateful to live in your ideal body.

It feels AWESOME to have kept off those 35 pounds for over 2 years now. But more importantly, it feels great to be happy and not eat emotionally to stuff down and cover up some unhappiness.  That happiness comes from within, as a result of living a balanced life, with passion doing the things I love.

One of which is, inspiring natural healthy living for supreme quality of life and longevity.

I want to thank YOU for being a part of that! It makes me smile that you’re  living healthy lives and inspiring those around you. Together we make the world a greener, happier place! Spread the word! Practical raw foods rock!

Cheers (over wheatgrass)!

With Love,


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Liz April 28, 2010 at 8:43 pm

SO GREAT SUE!!! Congrats! 😀 You are amazing!


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