How to grow alfalfa sprouts in your kitchen.
Growing sprouts is fun and very rewarding. Sprouts are jam packed with nutrients and a LIVING Superfood you can grow yourself.
There is a SPROUT – A- THON going on right now in the Thomas house as I sprout every seed type available for sprouting to take before and after pictures for my upcoming book Sproutology: The Ultimate Home Sprouting Guide.
In the below video I show you how to sprout alfalfa seeds in a jar and a sample of the seeds you can use to grow sprouts in your kitchen. There will be more to come with the Sprout – A- Thon next week as the sprouts grow and get more showy. Transforming from seeds to sprouts, we are growing sprouts of all kinds for Sproutology to take pics and test recipes submitted by professional sprouting chefs.
Click play on the video to watch Sprouting Alfalfa During the Sprout-A-Thon.

So what did you think? Are you going to grow some alfalfa sprouts in your kitchen and feel their living energy enliven you?
I sure hope so. And past this on to your friends, Sprouts are an awesome nutrient dense food that anyone can grow!
Live in Balance!
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Hi Sue, if there is one thing thats driving me nuts about my raw food diet its the sprouting. I tried a cheap sprouter and had issues so I bought a Fresh Life Sprouter and have the same issue, mold!!!
What would you recommend to avoid the mold issue, I have heard of Hydrogen Peroxide and also Grapefruit Seed Exctract but don’t know anyone with first hand experience of either.
.-= Andy Hawkins´s last blog ..Sunshine =-.
Hi Andy,
I have used hydrogen peroxide on sunflower seeds with the hulls in the soak water, to sprout sunflower greens. I have not needed H30 for microgreens; alfalfa, broccoli etc. I would suggest 1. checking your seed source. Are you using organic seeds? 2. make sure you are really seeing mold and not root hairs. This is a common mistake people make with microgreens 3. rinse often and keep cool out of direct light. Keep sprouting! You’ll get it soon and enjoy the fresh harvest!
Thanks so much Sue. Love your approach. You are an inspiration! I’m off to sprout! x
This video is right on time. I always wanted to sprout, but wasn’t sure on how. Your instructions are very clear and I will give it a try now. Thank you Suzanne.
Crystal T. Terrell
.-= Crystal´s last blog ..Tell Me About The $8000 Tax Credit =-.
Hey Sue,
I sent this video and a few others to my mother and she raised a good point. Can you type out the names of your ‘recommended sprouting seed retailers’ so that those who are not familiar know exactly what to look for? Thanks so much! I have some great Chia seeds going and I love them. SO much energy. I love your videos. Thanks SO much! You’re amazing!
hai..sue thank for your sharing about alfalfa…I take everyday alfalfa (shaklee product)