Work and your wellness

Work and your wellness – How Service got in the Fresh Start Wellness System

I wanted to write a  gratitude post and share a very personal video with you today.

First off, thank you for being here and interested in your health.
I am grateful to share this personal story with you as it has lead to a major improvement in my health.

I lost those 30 pounds of stubborn excess weight and founded

Inspire Balanced Wellness after getting this message.

You are the creator of your life, and your choices determine your health & happiness.
This may seem like an obvious statement to you, or maybe it is brand new…

Gratitude is like a good health meter.

Making choices that support our growth in a positive way ~ leads to happy feelings.
And the opposite is true. Making bad decisions will ultimately lead to bad feelings.
As you read on and watch the video please put all personal judgements aside.
Because, I had to learn this simple lesson the hard way and was hurt.

Hopefully, you can learn from my life lessons and avoid some pain 😉

Looking back, I am grateful for the mistake and having got the message.
That is what allows for massive personal growth and inner healing.

Simplified into 3 steps :
1. Being able to forgive yourself and get the message,
2. Make good decisions and take new actions,
3. Heal and move on with grace ‘n gratitude.

Of course,  it DOES NOT seem as easy as 1, 2 3 when you are going through a major change in your life.
At the time of a crisis, it is just that. A meltdown period to mourn, learn and rebuild.

I shot some emotional video footage for ya in the hot Soronan Desert of Mexico getting into the juicy detail of this story.

Maybe the 120 degree heat will warm you up, and you’ll feel so fired up you will want to quit your job! LOL…

If the outside temperatures don’t warm you up, maybe the story will warm your soul to see how I turned

a big mistake and lesson into an opportunity for growth!

Click play on the video below to watch “Service in Mexico” now

YouTube Preview Image

Thanks again for stopping by the blog and being you. I appreciate you.


Please share this video with your friends on facebook and leave me a comment

down below if you’d wish. I would love to hear your thoughts on happiness at the workplace.

How much do you enjoy your work?


With Gratitude & In Service,



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Raw Antonia December 6, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Great message, this is something i can definitely relate to. I too found myself working in a place i didn’t really enjoy and doing something that was not fitting for my skills and aspirations. Of course, i too became somewhat of a slacker, and it wasn’t because i was lazy, it was that i just did not care. I did not care about the company goals and what we were doing there. When you have a job, perhaps the most important aspect of it is that, at least in part, some of your goals are common with the goals of the company/business you’re working in. If none of your goals are common goals, then you’re wasting your time there. And i realized that, and that i was unhappy, so after 3 years, i quit and started to freelance. Been doing it ever since. 🙂


S December 6, 2011 at 11:49 am


Thanks for sharing. I think your message is spot-on. You know…that “bad” time four years ago was a gift. If not for that gift you wouldn’t be where you are now. I have a feeling you know this. Sometimes it’s hard to see those rough patches for what they are. Gifts, gifts, gifts. We never seem to learn much when times are easy-breezy. I am so happy that your dumb fiance dumped you and you lost your dumb job! Now we have you to inspire us with your sweet, vulnerable stories and yummy foods! Keep at it girlie. 🙂


Matt Gill December 3, 2011 at 2:35 am

Kudos. and great message


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