Live Sprouted Lentil Salad Recipe


It’s a classic from Sproutology!

The Live Lentil Salad with sprouted lentils is a raw food favorite in the Thomas house.

You gotta try it and let me know what you think. Click play to watch Sue in the kitchen make the live sprouted lentil salad.


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Yeahh! It’s good. I’ve had construction workers who eat the Standard American Diet  tell me the salad is awesome and ask for the recipe! To me that means anyone can enjoy sprouts and raw food when make a delicious salad. It’s easy to make and will last a few days in the fridge for healthy leftovers at lunch time! The Sprouted Live Lentil Salad is great served with crackers.

Live Sprouted Lentil Salad

Serves 4

3 c sprouted lentils

3 stalks celery

½ red bell pepper

1 carrot

¼ medium red onion

½ bunch of parsley

Feta cheese (optional)



2 tbsp lemon juice

1/3 c olive oil

½ tsp sea salt



  1. Sprout lentils! Chop vege’s and parsley. Mix sprouted lentils, carrots, celery, red bell pepper, red onion and parsley in a large bowl
  2. Juice one lemon, 2 tbsp is good for the dressing
  3. In a separate smaller bowl mix lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt with a fork
  4. Pour dressing on salad and mix
  5. Top with feta cheese (optional)


I got a little distracted with the guest in the house…I apologize for that. Just so you know I don’t jump out of planes 😉

I hope you enjoy the recipe and always LOVE to have your feedback and comments down below. Tell me how the like live sprouted lentil salad. It’s super fun to hear about your picnics and adventures after eating superfoods!

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